Images of Light I
photosensitive site-specific installation
This installation was a product of the analysis of UV light as an image-creating medium in the absence of natural light. It was inspired by darkroom photography experiments dealing with photosensitivity and performativity of the image, which resulted from the application of light onto photosensitive material.
This minimalist installation was an interpretation of the specific moment of the so-called “point zero”, which can be located on a timeline and identified as the “Bing Bang”. The event, which transpired around 13 billion years ago, took form of a violent flare-up in impenetrable darkness. This phenomenon, considered to be the beginning of the world, was accompanied by a huge emission of energy. As a consequence, merging molecules of matter, as well as forces exerted on them, initiated a plethora of highly complicated chemical, physical, and biological processes. The installation relied on a photochemical process generated by UV light. As a result of exposure to UV light waves, the walls in the underground Cellar Gallery revealed some hidden images in the form of geometric shapes – a circle, a rectangle, as well as images-words referring metaphorically to the beginning of the world.
Cellar Gallery, Krakow, Poland 2015
Participants: Beata Długosz, Stanisław Koba, Monika Nęcka, Adam Panasiewicz, Alicja Panasiewicz, Maria Wasilewska