Error – an obstacle or an opportunity? The case of Johann Schulze’s invention convinces us that even a genre of art can be brought forth as a consequence of error. Darkening of silver nitrate was thought to be the scientist’s mistake, but Niépce and Talbot took it quite differently. Error is the integral but usually hidden part of the whole artistic process. Erring or making a mistake underlies not only every creative/artistic venture, but even every human activity. Doing and achieving something through trial-and-error is so commonly inscribed in our practices that it is hardly noticed. The exhibition focuses on the error in art conceived as a threefold phenomenon: as unintentional but ubiquitous strategy, as intentional method of using aesthetics of error and deliberate playing with its consequences, and as a necessary fraction of an experiment undertaken in the domain of art.
Beata Długosz

- Beata Długosz
- Lives and works in Kraków, Poland. She is a member of the Association of Polish Art Photographers. She teaches photography at the Faculty of Art at the University KEN in Krakow. She obtained her PhD in Photography at the Film School in Łódź (PWSTiTV). In 2005 she was awarded a fellowship by the Mayor of the City of Krakow for her achievements in photography. Her works are part of the collection of Kraków’s Museum of Photography (MUFO) and the MOCAK Library collection. In 2014-15, she worked as the coordinator of the Main Program of the Krakow Photomonth Festival (MFK). Her work centres on phenomena such as the passing of time and the passage of time, resulting from both natural processes and human impact. The author's personal experience of the current reality shaped by politics, economics and ecology is important, through which she tells about the condition of the world and man. She works, mainly in traditional black-and-white photography techniques, makes experiments in camera-less photography, as well as site-speccific art installations.